CCC 235 - The Artful Resources Episode
Brian Dunaway, Joel Duggan and Matthew Ducharme discuss web comic and art resources they use frequently.

Brian’s Notes     

me-avatar  LINKS!
Vimeo Everything Animated channel https://vimeo.com/channels/everythinganimated
Ian Higginbotham CC2C Ep 177 https://comicscoasttocoast.com/podcast/comics-coast-coast-177-ian-higginbotham-interview/
Behance Curated Galleries https://www.behance.net/galleries/organizations
Sketch Dailies on Twitter. https://twitter.com/sketch_dailies
Google Image Search https://images.google.com

Joel’s Notes 

Kienan Lafferty’s YouTube channel (Previous guest on CC2C Ep. 230.) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvM8sIthAK1KOQ4nq5mYCTw
Jake Parke’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwJheV30gHVOjBps2DU7k9A
Scott Robertson’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJhSmz4zo9t-Z2GdHECW7A
Tyler Edlin’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/TylerE2284
Will Terrell’s YouTube channel (Previous guest on CC2C Ep. 145.) Now with 120K+ subscibers and over 3 MILLION channel views. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCPBOQlEtTmzhzuKfznxEIA
Chris Oatley’s ArtCast https://chrisoatley.com/category/podcasts/
Chris Oatley’s Blog and Podcast https://www.chrisoatley.com
Gumroad.com for affordable, pay as you go, in depth tutorials with .PSDs, brushes, etc. Anthony Jones & Tyler Edlin have some good ones. The videos are often very specific, which is nice. https://gumroad.com/robotpencil
DeviantART is a huge inspiration for me. I do try to learn and break down what I see. I also have a rule that I try really hard to keep; I don’t favorite a piece unless I can explain why I like it in a comment to the artist. https://joelduggan.deviantart.com/favourites/
(good place to find brush packs too) – Matt
Color Scheme Designer 3 https://colorschemedesigner.com/csd-3.5/
Aobe Kuler https://color.adobe.com/create/color-wheel/

Matt’s Notes 

Matt Kohr’s site CTRLpaint.com (Future guest. Waiting on date.) https://ctrlpaint.com
Google Images (of course) for visual reference https://images.google.com
YouTube and Vimeo for video tutorials. Especially helpful for when you’re trying something tricky for the first time. https://www.youtube.com/



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