CCC 302 - The Matthew Foltz-Gray Interview

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Matthew Foltz-Gray joins Brian Dunaway and Matthew Ducharme to talk about his comic Spirit Of The Staircase and Eisner Nominated Rikki


About the artist:

Matthew Foltz-Gray was born in Knoxville, Tennessee where he worked at a pizza buffet until he went off to art school in San Francisco. Once he graduated he came back to Knoxville and got his job back at the pizza buffet. Now he makes comics.

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About the work:

The Spirit Under The Staircase
Where to find: Social media links, etc.


Tap Water and Tuna Party: A Spirit of the Staircase Collection

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Where can we pick up a copy? Why did you choose to sell your book in this manner? What did you learn?
Eisner Nomination for RIKKI (A graphic novel I did the artwork for)
Awesome! What do you think clinched the nomination?
A second Spirit of the Staircase Collection
What is the status of this project? What are you going to do different this time around?
Knoxville FanBoy Expo- June 23-25
Is this your first visit?
All Ages Comics
Is this a personal philosophical choice or is it more marketing?
How do you do what you do.
Since Joel didn’t ask his usual technique question, I will. What drawing tools do you use for the comic?
Are you digital or analog? Or a little of both. Tell us about your tools.
mwa-hahahaha I stole brians question – revenge is mine!
How do you decide when a comic will be in color?
Stylistically Speaking
I like the scratchiness of your lines. How does an aspiring cartoonist find his/her own voice in you opinion?
Tehincal question: Are you using Tumblr for your comic site?
I love the wackiness of SOTSC! What are some of your humour/writing influences for the comic?
Mumford is all about observation. How much time do you spend people watching?
I haven’t seen a comic breatk the fourth wall in a long time. What pushed you to give that a go?
Did you make your comics knowing that they would be printed out at a later date?
Meanwhile, at the movies!
Wonder Woman! In or out?
The LAST Question… Ever… (Pay It Forward)
Can you share an artist you are a fan of for our listeners to follow?
Where can we find their work online?
Theodore Key – TheodoreKey.com
Dan Thompson
Lee Gatlin


Togotooner · July 7, 2017 at 10:12 pm

Great webcast as per usual guys! I tried like crazy to find that Cartoonists #2 brush that Matthew uses, from Kyle’s Brush site,…but I’m afraid that the brush must not be available any longer.

What a cool strip too. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

brian · July 28, 2017 at 2:30 pm

Oh no! We’ll have to check on that brush! If it is unavailable then I double want it!

Thank you

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