CCC 301 - The Adam Pilkington Interview

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Adam Pilkington joins Brian Dunaway and Matthew Ducharme to talk about his comic Gen and the Dragon King, his Mantras and More!



About the artist:

Graduated from Algonquin College with a diploma in Animation, bounced around the animation industry for a few years before going back to school and emerging with a shiny new certificate in “Digital Media” or something. It was enough to get me to get hired at a start-up game company, and I worked in the games industry as a concept artist, game designer, level designer and UI designer. Then moved in to “big boy” a career in UX Design, and currently moonlight as a creative 🙂

About the work:

This is the story of a boy named Gen, whose family has been cursed by the Dragon King.
Every thirty years Gen’s kingdom is attacked by a dragon, and his bloodline has been defending the mountain and its people for generations.
The dragon is coming, and his father and brother have been training to fight it. Gen’s world is turned upside down by the end of chapter one, and Gen is put in a spot where he’ll have to choose between maintaining his family’s legacy, or setting out to end the curse once and for all.




Show Notes!

– What does Adam do when he feels he’s in a creative rut? – What was Adam’s planning process for the storyline and art of Gen and the Dragon King? Is there a detailed script and reference art, or is he winging it as he goes? – How did Adam decide on the final look and colour palette of Gen and the Dragon King? Do the colours he used have any special significance? What was he trying to achieve in the tone of the visuals, and does he feel like he got that in the final book? – How does Adam feel about the sanctity or fluidity of original work? Is it possible he’ll someday revisit Gen and the Dragon King this and make edits? Superfan Jason Cobill

Just giving it away on tapas.io 🙂
How important was it for you to capture the reader in that first panel of Gen and the Dragon King? Did you labor over it or just dive in?
My question to each of you! What is your creative mantra? What lesson have you learned along the way that has resonated with you and you try to live by?
I like it! Turning the tables!
My Mantra sounds like a shoe ad. Just Do Eet!
I have spent too many years focusing on being unique. When I was already unique but I was so afraid of being just another voice that I never really spoke up with the voice I had. Now I am old. But not as old as I will be if I don’t start accepting where I am right now and deal with the critisisms that will probably never come. I have so many people rooting me on that trying can only achieve one thing. Failure. Potential. I hate that word. Alright…that’s enough rambling…now make this statement into something that sounds like a life lesson.
This feels to me almost like a storyboard for a Pixar-style film. Is that what you’re envisioning as you work on it?
I’m getting the sense that you’ve put a lot of time into world-building. How many sketches/pages of notes do you have?
Long-form storys take quite a commitment. What made you decide on this particular project?
The LAST Question… Ever… (Pay It Forward)
Can you share an artist you are a fan of for our listeners to follow?
Where can we find their work online?
Chris Oatley (chrisoatley.com), Jason Brubaker (CoffeeTableComics.com), Brian McDonald (Amazon: Invisible Ink)


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