Comics Coast To Coast
Comics Coast To Coast
CCC 272 - The Derek Laufman Interview

Derek Laufman joins Brian Dunaway, Joel Duggan & Matthew Ducharme to talk about his first Artbook, Chibi Drawing and Video Game Art & Animation.

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About Artist:

Derek is a professional artist located in London, ON. Derek has been drawing professionally for over 15 years and is the co-founder of Halfbot, an independent game studio located here in London, Ontario. Halfbot is responsible for the smash hits The Blocks Cometh and Super Crate Box iOS. Derek has also had the pleasure of working closely with the uber talented Sean “Cheeks” Galloway as a member of Table Taffy Studios. There he had the opportunity to work on World of Warcraft: Pearls of Pandaria, The Adnventures of Superman and Batman Black & White.

Show Notes:

Hey Derek! It’s great to have you on the show. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your work?
How did you get started making chibi art?
and what exactly is a Chibi?
We don’t often have game developeres on the show. What are some of the challenges of working in indie game development from an artist’s perspective?
If you could do art for ANY genre of video game, what genre would you choose, and why?
What advice would you give to artists looking to work in video games where most studios advertise looking for 2-3 years experience?
Should I be playing Nobu: Fat Revenge?
I noticed you posted a pic of an art study on Twitter recently. How much studying do you do? Cool down sketches? I mean I do warm ups! But drawing after you are done! Madness!
Do you ever worry about doing “” too much “” fan art?
Have you ever run into any licensing issues? (EX: Nintendo T-shirts)
Technique and Tools
Manga Studio on a Wacom 24″ sounds like a lot of fun. How many nibs have you replaced? I’ve replaced none.
Artbook Vol. 1
Putting out my first Artbook. Challenges of Self publishing it.
You are taking pre-orders for your first Artbook. Can you tell us about the book and your experiences so far? What did you include; exclude?
I’m having my first convention booth in June at Niagra Falls Comic Con.
You are 100% self publishing your art book compared to the popular Kickstarter road most artists take. What lead you to that choice?
Stuff We Love
Dreamworks is bringing Voltron:Legendary Defender to Netflix this next month. Thoughts? Favorite Voltron? Lions or Vehicles?
Captain America: Civil War has been out for over a week now. Has everyone seen it? Best superhero movie to date?
I’m pretty stoked about Rogue Squadron. How do you guys feel about a non Jedi focused Star Wars movie?
Disney Infinity is no more?
The LAST Question… Ever… (Pay It Forward)
Can you share an artist you are a fan of for our listeners to follow?
Where can we find their work online?

1 Comment

CCC 272 – The Derek Laufman Interview - BRIAN DUNAWAY · May 16, 2016 at 3:15 pm

[…] CCC 272 – The Derek Laufman Interview […]

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