Comics Coast To Coast #222 - The Bea Estevez Interview
Bea Estevez joins Brian Dunaway, Joel Duggan and Matthew Ducharme to talk about her blossoming career as an illustrator and animator in Spain!


About Artist:
Animation student. Freelance concept artist and character designer.
Last week on the show we talked about our favorite animated Christmas specials… Bea, what are your favorites? Joel
The truth is that I haven’t one, but if I have to choose I really love The Simpson Christmas special, it is always very funny.
I’m seeing a mix of traditional and digital media on your Tumblr page. Do you have a preference? Joel
Any favorite drawing tools? Joel
What about digital traditional media brushes, any favorite digital toys? Joel
You have a bit of a Meloncoly Sweetness in your art. Have you always been like this? Here…lie on this couch…I have questions about your childhood. Brian
I just watched your 2014 Animation Reel. It’s nice. I especially enjoyed the paper cut-out animation. Brian
You are working Freelance. Do you find one market to be more profitable than another. Like Animation vs Illustration? What Freelance jobs do you enjoy the most? Brian
Do you freelance in your home country primarily, or have you worked internationally? Notice any differences in attitude toward your profession? Matt
What is your ultimate goal for your art? Matt
Your style reminds me a lot of traditional, hand- drawn, Disney animation. Was this a big influence? Matt



Jack of Gulls Comic · December 20, 2014 at 10:48 am

This was a fun interview to listen to. Bea’s style is great. I love seeing artist’s work that is so out of my realm style-wise, it’s very inspiring. Nice job on the interview.

brian · January 17, 2015 at 8:54 am

Thank you! Bea is brilliant!

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