Comics Coast To Coast #195 - The Jez Tuya Interview
  Jez Tuya join Joel Duggan and Matthew Ducharme to talk about his career as an illustrator.
Comics Title By Artist
About Artist:
I draw things and paint things. Occasionally well

Show Notes:

You’re represented by the Pickled Illustration Agency. At what point in your career did you decide to try workign with an agency? Joel
You’re still working with them, so obviously things are going well. How has working with an agency helped your career? Joel
What are your favorite online art communities? (EX: deviantART, Tumblr, etc…) Joel
You do both illustration and visual development work. What is one of your favorite vis dev projects that you’ve worked on? (That you can talk about) Joel
I think I first found your work through your Catwoman and Zatana fan art pieces. Lately I’ve noticed a bit of a backlash in some circles against fan art. Good? Bad? What do you think? Joel
Light Grey Art Lab gallery show in Minniapolis… but you’re in NZ? How did that come about? Joel
You’re obivously working digitally these days, when did that first grab hold / take over for you? Joel
When you’re illustrating an idea, do you start with line art? Or do you block in broad shapes first? Joel
As long as we’re not revealing any trade secrets, any tips or tricks to share about the final look of your work? Joel
All digital all the time? Or do you still work in sketchbooks? What about doing original pieces on bristol, or in water color? Joel
annette marnat inspiration
Unlike most artists, you seem to be fairly comfortable with drawing vehicles. Has it always been that way, or is it just when the project demands? Matt
There’s lots of historical themes in your work. How deep do you go in your research? Matt





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